
Rich, thick soups often take a long time to prepare, but other recipes only require 15-20 minutes total. Two tomatoes and a dish of rice will be the major components. Any ready-made broth may be used to create a thick, filling, and rich soup in a couple of minutes.

ingredients :

2 tomatoes
8 tablespoons boiled rice
ready-made broth (Chicken or turkey is best, but if lazy, you can make broth from a cube)
2 onions
20 grams of butter
3 cloves of garlic
a few sprigs of green onions and dill 1/2
tablespoon of soy sauce
teaspoon of tabasco
cumin (before serving to taste), salt, and a little sugar

Method :

First of all, finely chop the onion, then fry in a saucepan or saucepan with the addition of vegetable oil and salt until golden brown.

Three tomatoes on a grater, discard the peel. Add them to the saucepan with the onions and mix.

Then add cumin, pour in the broth, and pour the rice.

Then add soy sauce and a little sugar on the tip of a knife. We cut or squeeze the garlic, and put the parsley and butter for more fat content. Mix with herbs and cook for 10 minutes. As soon as the oil has dissolved, the soup can be served.

The finished soup is very thick and flavorful. According to him, it cannot be said that we managed in 15 minutes.
Before serving, you can add a little more fresh herbs. Can be served with toast or bread.

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