Quick banana cookie cake


Ingredients :

2 packs of sugar biscuits
5-6 bananas
half a liter of sour cream
1 glass of sugar
300 ml of milk
kiwi, strawberry, orange – quantity as desired (in order to decorate the cake )

Method :

Whisk sour cream with sugar, and add sliced ​​bananas.

We pre-soak the cookies in milk (just a couple of seconds), after which we start laying out layers of cake from it.

Put a layer of cookies on the dish, sour cream with bananas on top, another same layer, and so how many layers will turn out?

We decorate the cake with grated chocolate, as well as if desired, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles or cubes of kiwi, strawberries, or oranges.

Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we put it on the table

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