Fresh pepper all year round without cooking and freezing. Great way to store bell peppers


Fruits and vegetables may now be preserved year-round in the freezer in a variety of methods. However, I’d like to suggest a somewhat different technique of storing that preserves the pepper’s flavor and scent.

ingredients :

sweet pepper, 1 kg
salt, and vegetable oil, 1 tsp each
aspirin, 2 tablets

Method :

It is better to take red, fleshy pepper – it is the most fragrant and sweet.

Cut into pieces and twist with a meat grinder.

do not use a blender, because. the pepper simply turns into a homogeneous and airy puree, and it is better that pieces remain.

Mix pepper with salt and crushed aspirin tablets.

Mix well and leave the mass for 10 minutes.

We lay out the mass in dry sterilized jars and cover them with lids.

We store pepper in the refrigerator or in a cold basement.

I add pepper to sauces, soups, vegetable stews, and salads, I make spicy snacks with it.

Aspirin acts in this case as a preservative, which also preserves the natural color of the vegetable.

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