This pie has a wonderful dough and a juicy, incredibly aromatic filling. This dough is kneaded in a matter of minutes. It bakes perfectly with any fillings, it turns out slightly crumbly, and porous with a wonderful taste. I use ...

Today I want to share a salad recipe with chicken and oranges that I came up with from what was in the refrigerator and is suitable for those who are on a diet and not so much ingredients : 300 ...

Pasta is usually the star of the show in pasta salads, but that’s not quite the case with this vibrant recipe. The abundance of garden-fresh vegetables in this California spaghetti salad, so full of flair and color, is almost hard ...

This is a recipe you should preserve and use frequently. a delicious fruit salad. That’s just my opinion, so don’t accept anything at face value. Make it yourself, and you’ll be completely persuaded. It assembles quickly and tastes fantastic Ingredients ...

Almost everyone has an opinion about what should and should not be added to chili peppers. Beans… or no beans at all? Ground beef or sliced ​​meat? Or is there no meat at all? Are the tomatoes okay? The debate ...

You’re in for a treat with this dish if you’re one of the select few who enjoys coleslaw If you’ve never eaten at KFC, they offer a famous coleslaw that is delicious for a variety of reasons. You can now ...

I think everyone has heard about the Italian Pesto sauce, which in its original version is made from basil, however, it can also be made from parsley, spinach, arugula, watercress, wild garlic, and other aromatic juicy greens ingredients : 100-120 ...

This creamy chicken and mushroom recipe takes just 25 minutes to make. It’s super easy, delicious, dietary, and gluten-free Here are a few secrets to preparing this amazing dish : When purchasing mushrooms, make sure they are bright and pristine. ...

If you are looking for a simple and tasty salad recipe, then I recommend that you prepare this salad with red fish, salmon, or trout. The salad tastes like mimosa, but much tastier. Such a bright salad will decorate any ...

The shortbread recipe is simple, affordable, and very tasty. Cooking products are always at hand. Christmas cookies, guests are always happy with the crown ingredients : For 12 pieces (all products should be at room temperature) 1 piece – egg ...