This is an unusual pie that combines several flavors. The combination is very tasty and its taste causes delight when you try it for the first time Ingredients : Ingredients for the dough : 150 gr – butter 250 gr ...

Well, let’s make an easy no-bake pear peel dessert! The recipe is based on fermented milk, which is a very healthy and valuable product. And if you use sweetener instead of sugar, the chocolate dessert will turn out to be ...

A fragrant fruit pie for tea, what could be better? Charlotte is rightfully considered one of the best desserts that is easy and quick to prepare cake and juicy apples make the dish tender and sweet. The Charlotte recipe is ...

When you don’t have time, make jelly pie. It’s simple, delicious and fast. For the dough, mix all the ingredients and it is ready. You can use anything you have in the fridge for the filling. Today I will share ...

I want to share with you a recipe for a rich and delicious chocolate cake! If you like the taste of chocolate, try it! Ingredients : 2 tbsp – Wheat flour 2 tbsp – l – Cocoa 100 gr – ...

as the zucchini ripens, the pancakes from them with cheese gradually become on duty. They are quick and easy to prepare with minimal effort. It is impossible to spoil the dish, even if you do not have a specific recipe ...

Best Air rolls ingredients : Dough : 300 gr flour 180 gr cottage cheese 100 gr sugar 3 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tsp baking powder A pinch of salt 100 ml milk Filling : 100 gr cottage cheese 1 tbsp ...

Oats and bananas are the perfect breakfast for those who love sweet, healthy, and delicious meals. It is easy to make this recipe, only a few ingredients are required, and spoiled bananas can be used. These pancakes are not only ...

Fragrant homemade bread with cheese and onions, If it is not eaten hot, you can serve slices of bread with any dish, whether for breakfast, lunch, homemade dinner, or for a holiday. Simple and easy, as well as a step-by-step ...

To make bread at home, you do not need the special skills of a baker and special equipment. It is enough to have an oven and the desire to bake delicious homemade bread with a soft crumb inside and a ...